Social Commerce: The Birthplace of a new modern community.

•November 12, 2013 • Leave a Comment

Social Commerce;  You and me working to support each other to raise each other fortunes and improve the quality of life for our community.

A pretty bold and idealistic statement isn’t it?  I believe we see examples of Social Commerce emerging in the marketplace.  Companies like Winco Foods.

Employee owned and run.  Everyone who works at that company has a stake in the performance of the company, whether it wins or loses.  Another company

like Winco, but different is Winn-Dixie.   Winn-Dixie competes against global giant Wal-Mart in the southern states.  They do it with well paid union employees who believe that they are part of the team and have some skin in the game against Wal-Mart.  Winn-Dixie gets it done with customer service.  They actually care about their employees who in turn show their customers that they care about them and want their customers to return over and over again.   It works.  Customer experience, is the buzz word.  Those two words can be elevated into a lot off bull, however when a business owner can show his customers his gratitude for their patronage, that’s a win-win for everyone involved.  It’s this spirit of appreciation and service that makes for a profitable business.    Social Commerce.   Together we build a bright future.   Says a lot, and implies a great deal.  You in?